MB-54VP Pentium Motherboard - BIOS ID string 10/19/94-OPTI-546-822-2A5UMA31-00 - 4-72 pin SIMM slots (128meg FPM DRAM) - 4-32bit PCI slots - 2-32bit VESA slots - 5-16bit ISA slots - 256k-1024k CACHE support in 8-32pin sockets + 1 TAG RAM socket - AWARD 1994 Auto-Detect with Energy Mgmt. - Supports LBA Mode Control + Large Disk DOS Compatibility. - OPTI-546-822 / OPTI 546/547 Chipset - 320pin Pentium ZIF Socket 5 which supports these processors: INTEL Pentium 75/90/100 MHz - Manufactured by: Aquarius Systems Inc. (thanks Les D.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose Location Purpose Location ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- External battery J1 Turbo LED JP40 Speaker J17 32-bit PCI slots PC1 - PC4 Power LED + keylock J18 Reset switch S1 Turbo switch JP39 32-bit VESA slots SL1 + SL2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER CONFIGURABLE SETTINGS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Jumper Position ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .Monitor type select color JP1 Closed Monitor type select monochrome JP1 Open .Fast VESA bus disabled JP3 Open Fast VESA bus enabled JP3 Closed .End of last T2 enabled JP4 Open Beginning of last T2 enabled JP4 Closed .CMOS memory normal operation JP6 pins 2 + 3 closed CMOS memory clear JP6 pins 1 + 2 closed .AT clock speed select 3 added JP12 Open AT clock speed select 0 added JP12 Closed .End of first T2 enabled JP14 open Beginning of first T2 enabled JP14 Closed .Cache type select always invalidated JP17 pins 1 + 2 closed Cache type select invalidated on write through JP17 pins 2 + 3 closed .Memory type select mapped I/O at top of memory JP27 pins 2 + 3 closed Memory type select 128MB on board JP27 pins 1 + 2 closed .Bus core ratio select 2/3 JP32 Open Bus core ratio select 1/2 JP32 Closed .Factory configured - do not alter JP33 N/A .Factory configured - do not alter JP37 N/A .Factory configured - do not alter JP38 N/A ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DRAM CONFIGURATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Size Bank 0 Bank 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2MB (2) 256K x 36 NONE 4MB (2) 512K x 36 NONE 4MB (2) 256K x 36 (2) 256K x 36 6MB (2) 256K x 36 (2) 512K x 36 8MB (2) 1M x 36 NONE 8MB (2) 512K x 36 (2) 512K x 36 10MB (2) 256K x 36 (2) 1M x 36 12MB (2) 512K x 36 (2) 1M x 36 16MB (2) 2M x 36 NONE 16MB (2) 1M x 36 (2) 1M x 36 18MB (2) 256K x 36 (2) 2M x 36 20MB (2) 512K x 36 (2) 2M x 36 24MB (2) 1M x 36 (2) 2M x 36 32MB (2) 4M x 36 NONE 32MB (2) 2M x 36 (2) 2M x 36 34MB (2) 256K x 36 (2) 4M x 36 36MB (2) 512K x 36 (2) 4M x 36 40MB (2) 1M x 36 (2) 4M x 36 48MB (2) 2M x 36 (2) 4M x 36 64MB (2) 8M x 36 NONE 64MB (2) 4M x 36 (2) 4M x 36 66MB (2) 256K x 36 (2) 8M x 36 68MB (2) 512K x 36 (2) 8M x 36 72MB (2) 1M x 36 (2) 8M x 36 80MB (2) 2M x 36 (2) 8M x 36 96MB (2) 4M x 36 (2) 8M x 36 128MB (2) 8M x 36 (2) 8M x 36 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CACHE CONFIGURATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Size Bank 0 Bank 1 TAG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 256KB (4) 32K x 8 (4) 32K x 8 (1) 8K x 85 512KB (4) 64K x 8 (4) 64K x 8 (1) 32K x 8 1MB (4) 128K x 8 (4) 128K x 8 (1) 32K x 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CACHE JUMPER CONFIGURATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Size JP28 JP29 JP30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 256KB Open Open Closed 512KB Open Closed Closed 1MB Closed Closed Closed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAG VOLTAGE CONFIGURATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Voltage JP2 JP18 JP23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3v Closed 2 + 3 1 + 2 5v Open 1 + 2 2 + 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPU SPEED CONFIGURATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Speed JP19 JP20 JP22 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 75MHz Open Open Closed 90MHz Closed Open Closed 100MHz Closed Closed Closed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VESA WAIT STATE CONFIGURATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wait states JP36 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 wait states Open 1 wait state Closed =============================END OF DATA ON MB-54VP=============================== |