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==View or Print jumper settings using Fixedsys or New Courier fonts== M601 + M602 V1.3A-F 486 VESA Motherboard - AMI BIOS ID string 40-0100-001437-00101111-080893-4386-F - AMI BIOS ID string 40-0101-001437-00101111-080893-UMC491-F - AWARD BIOS ID string 1990 Pheonix Technologies S-B16-V16-Foff - 8-30 pin SIMM slots (1-64meg FPM DRAM) - 64k-256k CACHE support in 8-28pin sockets + 2 TAG RAM socket - 3-32bit VESA Local Bus slots - 7-16bit ISA slots - AMI/AWARD Modular BIOS V4.50 1993 Auto-Detect Bios - UMC/SARC RC4018A4 Chipset - CPU socket, uses any 486 Intel/AMD/Cyrix to 66Mhz CPU - possibly manufactured by: -FUGU TECH ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. -PC Chips -COMMODORE CPTs and others ======================================================================= If you encounter a BIOS generated 'VIRUS WARNING' when upgrading your operating system to WIN95/98 the cause could be any of the following: - try hitting the f8 during the boot up and go to the dos prompt, then go to WIN95 and see what happens...if it does work then there is a problem in the set up files themselves. - if you cannot get WIN95 to install because of the warning type setup/? for the other options and there is one for no detection...it will install the files then you will have to add the hardware drivers and stuff after manually. - is the WIN95 a full version or the upgrade and is it on disk or cd. If on disk they had a lot of problems with Ver:A of both series. The 'B' version is more revised with less problems...if someone has tried to tamper at all with the disks then it will come up with that warning....they are formatted to 1.77meg on purpose to make it harder to hack...but it still can be done... :-) - another way is to copy all the disks into one directory leaving the cab files as cabs then run setup...do this from the dos prompt. If they have been hacked or tampered with whether disk or cd this usually gets around it since it is reading itself and not another drive so error correction is at a minimum level...hope this helps. - Disabling Award BIOS v4.50g Virus Protection This webpage explains the full procedure if you have this bios. http://www.sysopt.com/virwarn.html - and finally your BIOS's external cache might be incompatible. Most 32bit OS's advise disabling all external caching during install on older boards. The problem resides in the older BIOS versions. Some M601 mainboards will not support WIN95's caching system with any BIOS dated 1993 or older. Try to disable/remove the onboard cache or buy a newer bios, BUT, try all the above procedures first. Once WIN95 is installed try enabling/installing the cache and reboot. ======================================================================= Purpose Location Purpose Location ------------------------------------------------------------------------ External battery JP1 Power LED + keylock JP10 Speaker JP11 Turbo LED JP12 Reset switch JP13 Turbo switch JP14 Power 9000 VGA card installed JP23 2-3 All other video cards JP23 1-2 Battery JP1 ---------------------------- Rechargeable 2-3 Clear CMOS 3-4 (short for 3-4secs only with power off) External installed (pin1 VDD 3.6volt lithium, pin4 ground) ======================================================================= VESA Bus Wait States JP15 ----------------------------- 0 W/S 25MHZ OPEN 1 W/S 33MHZ OPEN 2 W/S 50MHZ 1-2 ======================================================================= CPU Selector settings JP16 JP17 --------------------------------------------- 486DX/DX2 1-2,3-4 1-2 486SX(Cyrix 486) 2-3 open P23N 1-2,3-4 2-3 ======================================================================= Clock Generator Speed JP7 JP8 -------------------------------------------- TK9207 33MHZ 1-2 1-2 40MHZ 2-3 1-2 -------------------------------------------- KTS0808C/0801C 40MHZ 1-2 1-2 AV9107 50MHZ 2-3 1-2 -------------------------------------------- TK9307 25MHZ 1-2 1-2 33MHZ 2-3 1-2 40MHZ 1-2 2-3 50MHZ 2-3 2-3 JP24 ----------------------------------------------------- PhaseLink 25MHZ 2-3 1-2 1-2 PLL52C05 33MHZ 2-3 2-3 1-2 KTS KDN-802 40MHZ 1-2 1-2 2-3 50MHZ 2-3 1-2 2-3 ======================================================================= Cache| C A C H E M E M O R Y | TAG RAM Size | U22 U23 U24 U25 U29 U30 U31 U32 | U21 U28 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 64K | 8Kx8 8Kx8 8Kx8 8Kx8 8Kx8 8Kx8 8Kx8 8Kx8 | 8Kx8 ----- 128K | 32Kx8 32Kx8 32Kx8 32Kx8 ---- ---- ---- ---- | 8Kx8 ----- 256K | 32Kx8 32Kx8 32Kx8 32Kx8 32Kx8 32Kx8 32Kx8 32Kx8 | 8Kx8 8Kx8 256K | 32Kx8 32Kx8 32Kx8 32Kx8 32Kx8 32Kx8 32Kx8 32Kx8 | 32Kx8 ----- Cache JP2 JP3 JP4 JP5 JP6 -------------------------------------------- 64K OPEN 1-2 OPEN 1-2 OPEN 128K OPEN 1-2 1-2 2-3 2-3 256K 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 =======================END OF DATA ON M601============================= |