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==View or Print jumper settings using Fixedsys or New Courier fonts==

HOT-409 Ver:2.2 VESA Motherboard

	- AMIBIOS ID String  40-0202-001343-00101111-111192-OPT495SX-F

	- the complete Hot-409 manual in TIF is available as 235kb archive
	  or complete Hot-409 manual in GIF is available as 1.1meg archive.
	  In securing this manual certain expenses were paid and in
	  an effort to recover these fees its only available by donation.

	- 8-30 pin SIMM slots  (1-32meg FPM DRAM)
	- 2-32bit VESA Local Bus slots
	- 6-16bit ISA slots
	- 1-8bit ISA slot
	- 64k-256k CACHE support in 8-28pin sockets + 1 TAG RAM socket
	- AMI 486-HiFlex-Bios V02.02(11/11/92)
	- AMI BIOS 486DX ISA BIOS 1993 AB0582755
	- OPTi 82C495 SX 4L05F2813 chipset
	- One 237/238 ZIF CPU socket which supports these processors:
	  INTEL 80487SX,80486SX/DX/DX2, Pentium Overdrive
	- Supports speeds of 25/33/40/50/66MHz.
	- Manufactured by:  Holco Enterprises Co.
                            (SHUTTLE COMPUTER INTERNATIONAL, INC.)

Purpose                Location     Purpose                Location
External battery          J1        Turbo switch             JP28
Power LED + keylock       J5        Reset switch             SW1
Speaker                   J6        32-bit VESA slots        SL1 + SL2
Turbo LED                JP24

  Function                                Jumper        Position
* Battery type select internal              J1           2 + 3
  Battery type select external              J1           Closed
* Monitor type select color                 JP1          Closed
  Monitor type select monochrome            JP1          Open
* Factory configured - do not alter         JP32         2 + 3
* ADS# signal not delayed                   JP40         1 + 2
  ADS#   signal   delayed                   JP40         2 + 3

                          DRAM CONFIGURATION
Size                 Bank 0                    Bank 1
1MB               (4) 256K x 9                  NONE
2MB               (4) 256K x 9               (4) 256K x 9
4MB               (4) 1M  x  9                  NONE
5MB               (4) 256K x 9               (4) 1M x 9
8MB               (4) 1M  x  9               (4) 1M x 9
16MB              (4) 4M  x  9                  NONE
20MB              (4) 1M  x  9               (4) 4M x 9
32MB              (4) 4M  x  9               (4) 4M x 9

                         CACHE CONFIGURATION
Size           Bank 0             Bank 1                  TAG
64KB         (4) 8K x 8         (4) 8K x 8             (1) 8K x 8
128KB        (4) 32K x 8          NONE                 (1) 8K x 8
256KB        (4) 32K x 8        (4) 32K x 8        (1)16Kor(1)32Kx8

                       CACHE JUMPER CONFIGURATION
Size           JP7          JP9           JP15           JP22
64KB          2 + 3         Open          Open           Open
128KB         1 + 2        Closed         Closed         Open
256KB         2 + 3        Closed         Closed         Closed

                      CPU TYPE CONFIGURATION
       Type                JP11               JP12
    80486SX                Open               2 + 3
    80487SX                2 + 3           1 + 2, 3 + 4
    80486DX                1 + 2           1 + 2, 3 + 4
    80486DX2               1 + 2           1 + 2, 3 + 4
Pentium Overdrive          2 + 3           1 + 2, 3 + 4

Speed           JP10          JP16          JP23
25MHz           Open          2 + 3         Closed
33MHz          Closed         2 + 3         Open
40MHz           Open          2 + 3         Open
50iMHz          Open          2 + 3         Closed
50MHz           Open          1 + 2         Closed
66iMHz         Closed         2 + 3         Open

                        VESA MODE CONFIGURATION
Mode                       JP13           JP18          U43
Slave   mode               Closed         Closed        Not installed
Master and slave mode      Open           Open          Installed

Wait states                      J20
0 wait states                    Closed
1 wait state                     Open

CPU speed                        JP21
 <= 33MHz                        Closed
  > 33MHz                        Open

Setup             JP29              JP39
   0              1 + 2             1 + 2
   1              1 + 2             2 + 3
   2              2 + 3             2 + 3

====================END OF DATA ON HOT-409 VER:2.2====================

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