==View or Print jumper settings using Fixedsys or New Courier fonts== PAT48PM 486 Motherboard - AMI BIOS ID string 40-0101-641291-00101111-060691-OPWBSX-F - 8-30 pin SIMM slots (1-32meg FPM DRAM) - 5-16bit ISA slots - 3-8bit XT slots - 64K/128K/256K SRAM Cache in 8-28pin sockets + 2 TAG RAM sockets - AMI 1992 Auto-Detect Bios - OPTi 82C495 / 82C392 chipset - Clock crystal OSC1 socketed near cpu - 239pin PGA CPU socket which supports these processors: INTEL 80487SX,80486SX,80486DX/DX2,ODP486SX - Supports speeds of 20/25/33/40/50/66 MHz - Manufactured by: TMC Research Corporation USA - Website http://www.mycomp-tmc.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose Location Purpose Location ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Speaker J1 pins 1 - 4 IDE LED in J1 pins 10 + 20 Turbo switch J1 pins 7 + 17 Turbo LED J1 pins 8 + 18 Reset switch J1 pins 9 + 19 Power LED + keylock J1 pins 11 - 15 IDE LED out J2 External battery J4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER CONFIGURABLE SETTINGS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Jumper Position ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CMOS normal using internal battery JP1 pins 2 + 3 closed CMOS normal using external battery JP1 Open CMOS memory clear JP1 pins 1 + 2 closed * Bus speed select CLKIN/4 JP2 Open Bus speed select CLKIN/6 JP2 Closed * Monitor type select color JP3 Closed Monitor type select monochrome JP3 Open * CPU speed (CLKIN) select iOSC/1 JP4 pins 1 + 2 closed CPU speed (CLKIN) select iOSC/2 JP4 pins 2 + 3 closed ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DRAM CONFIGURATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Size Bank 0 Bank 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1MB (4) 256K x 9 NONE 2MB (4) 256K x 9 (4) 256K x 9 4MB (4) 1M x 9 NONE 5MB (4) 256K x 9 (4) 1M x 9 8MB (4) 1M x 9 (4) 1M x 9 16MB (4) 4M x 9 NONE 20MB (4) 4M x 9 (4) 1M x 9 32MB (4) 4M x 9 (4) 4M x 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CACHE CONFIGURATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Size Bank 0 Bank 1 TAG (U41) TAG (U42) Resistor Installed ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64KB (4) 8K x 8 (4) 8K x 8 (1) 8K x 8 (1) 4K x 1 RND 64KB (4) 8K x 8 (4) 8K x 8 (1) 8K x 8 (1) 16K x 1 RND 64KB (4) 8K x 8 (4) 8K x 8 (1) 8K x 8 (1) 64K x 1 RND 128KB (4) 32K x 8 NONE (1) 8K x 8 (1) 16K x 1 RNE 128KB (4) 32K x 8 NONE (1) 8K x 8 (1) 64K x 1 RNE 256KB (4) 32K x 8 (4) 32K x 8 (1) 32K x 8(1) 16K x 1 RNF 256KB (4) 32K x 8 (4) 32K x 8 (1) 32K x 8(1) 64K x 1 RNF ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPU TYPE CONFIGURATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type RNA RNB RNC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 80486SX Not installed Not installed Installed 80487SX Not installed Installed Not installed ODP486SX Not installed Installed Not installed 80486DX Installed Not installed Not installed 80486DX2 Installed Not installed Not installed ===============================END OF DATA ON PAT48PM=============================== |