Official BIOS release 7H for NV7-133R Release information: [ENGLISH] 1. First release. 2. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024. 3. BIOS Compile Date: 02/08/2002. !!! WARNING !!! NV7-133R and NV7m BIOS need special AWDFLASH version 8.14 (35,294 bytes in file size). Updating BIOS via wrongful AWDFLASH version will cause incorrect data and some times fail to boot up. [TRADITIONAL CHINESE] 1. 首次發行。 2. HPT 37x BIOS 版本 2.0.1024。 3. BIOS 日期: 02/08/2002。 !!! 警告 !!! NV7-133R 及 NV7m BIOS 升級需要特別的 AWDFLASH 版本 8.14 (檔案大小為 35,294 bytes)。 使用錯誤版本的 AWDFLASH 升級 BIOS 將造成資料錯誤且不開機。 ********************************* NOTE ********************************* 1. How to upgrade BIOS: a. Boot into MS-DOS or "Safe mode and command prompt" if you are using Windows95/98 b. Run "nv77h.exe" to extract all files. c. Run "runme.bat" *** Please notice that we suggest you flashing the bios with switches "/py /sn /cd /cp /cc /cks /R" or by "runme.bat". d. For more detail, please visit: (Chinese) (English) 2.After BIOS updated, pull off the power core and then clear the CMOS data via jumper before restarting system please. ============================================================================.