Return to MAIN-Index  Return to SUB-Index    IBM-AUSTRIA - PC-HW-Support    30 Aug 1999

Video capture and full motion video cards

PROBLEM - Video capture and full motion video cards such as the video logic DVA-4000 and the videoblaster SE adapters that require pixel data from the video feature bus will not work correctly in the 6381 Si DX or DX2 system.

Failures range from incorrect colors to no video (blank screen).

Machines AFFECTED -

6381 DX/DX2 systems (the model that has ET4000/W32 graphic controller)


The Tseng ET4000/W32 graphic controller does not shadow pixel data onto the video feature bus. Therefore, video capture or full motion video cards that require this pixel data will not function properly.

This is a limitation of the ET4000/W32 graphic controller.

The only work-around is to disable planar video and install a compatible video adapter card that has a video feature connector and does not use the Tseng ET4000/W32 graphics controller chip.

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