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RAID-4 Block Interleave Data Striping with one Parity Disk

RAID-4 Block Interleave Data Striping with one Parity Disk

The performance of bit-interleaved arrays in a transaction processing environment, where small records are being simultaneously read and written, is very poor. This can be compensated for by altering the striping technique, such that files are sriped in block sizes that correspond to the record size being read. This will vary in different environments.
Super-computer type applications may require a block size of 64KB, while for most DOS applications 4KB will suffice.

 RAID-4 (Block Interleave Data Striping with one Parity Disk)
                   |   Disk   |
    |         |         |         |          |
 +-----+   +--+--+   +--+--+   +--+--+   +---+--+
 |xxxxx|   |xxxxx|   |xxxxx|   |xxxxx|   |Parity|  Block 0
 |-----|   |-----|   |-----|   |-----|   |------|
 |yyyyy|   |yyyyy|   |yyyyy|   |yyyyy|   |Parity|
 |-----|   |-----|   |-----|   |-----|   |------|
 |     |   |     |   |     |   |     |   |      |  Block n
 +-----+   +-----+   +-----+   +-----+   +------+
  Disk 1    Disk 2    Disk 3    Disk 4    Disk 5
   xxxxx and yyyyy = Blocks belonging to long files

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