QDI motherboard information

This is what I have found on my harddisk, it is by no means complete. I do not own a QDI product nor do I know anything specific about these motherboards. This is all information I have got.

V4S471/250/V3 1200k-pdf
V4S471/G Ver 9.0 467k-pdf
V4S471 xx additional processor settings html
V4P495L/V2 216k-pdf
V4P895GRN/SMT V1.1 167k-pdf
V4P895GRN 4SIMM additional processor settings html
V4P895P3/SMT/V5 264k-pdf
P4U880A/IO Ver 1.1 270k-pdf
P4U885GRN Ver 2.1 153k-pdf
P5S5480P3 420k-pdf

More recent motherboard information

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