BIOS release 1.4 for IS7 V1.0/1.1 IS7-E V1.0/1.1 IS7-G V1.0 Release information: [ENGLISH] 1. Fixes wrong system operation caused by incomplete discharging CMOS data via CCMOS jumper. 2. Shows the correct IRQ of IDE Controller in PCI Devices Listing. 3. Fixes CPU Thermal Throttling behavior while under minus temperature, and supports minus temperature reading in BIOS Setup. 4. Fixes the problem that system could not automatically get into S4 mode, after enabled Power Scheme of "Power Option" under Windows XP 5. Updates CPU Microcode (CPUID=0F13h, Patch ID=05h ; CPUID=0F12h, Patch ID=02eh). 6. Fix the problem that PCU Slot Device in "-Bootabled Add-in Device" function can not boot up in top priority. 7. BIOS Compile Date: 7/2/2003. [中文] 1. 修正 CMOS 因為無法以硬體方式抹除乾淨,而造成程式讀取時的錯誤,導致系統 因為誤判而造成誤動作的情形。 2. 修正 PCI Devices Listing 中關於 IDE Controller 所佔用的 IRQ,使其顯示 正確之 IRQ 編號。 3. 修正當負溫度時,其 CPU Thermal Throttling 動作不正常的情形,並支援 BIOS Setup 中負溫度之顯示。 4. 修正 Win XP 中使用 "Power Option" 中之 Power Scheme,其無法自行進入 S4 狀態的情形。 5. 更新 CPU Microcode (CPUID=0F13h, Patch ID=05h ; CPUID=0F12h, Patch ID=02eh)。 6. 修正 "- Bootabled Add-in Device" 功能無法由 PCI Slot Device 優先啟動之 問題。 7. BIOS 日期: 7/2/2003。 ********************************* NOTE ********************************* 1. How to upgrade BIOS: a. Boot into MS-DOS or "Safe mode and command prompt" if you are using Windows95/98 b. Run "is7g14.exe" to extract all files. c. Run "runme.bat" *** Please notice that we suggest you flashing the bios with switches "/py /sn /cd /cp /cc /cks /R" or by "runme.bat". d. For more detail, please visit: (Chinese) (English) 2.After BIOS updated, pull off the power cord and then clear the CMOS data via jumper before restarting system please. ============================================================================