BIOS release 1.3 for AL8 V1.0, AL8-V Release information: [ENGLISH] 1. Fixed the issue that with certain VGA card does not work with four 1GB RAM modules. 2. Intel OSB now shows correctly according to the CPU used. 3. PS2 mouse now works with USB keyboard. 4. Pentium D 840 will be detected correctly. 5. BIOS compiled date: 07/06/2005 [中文] 1. 解決上4GB記憶體時,顯示卡輸出不正常問題. 2. 修正Intel OSB Logo顯示錯誤問題. 3. 解決當使用PS2 mouse 時,USB keyboard無法使用的問題 4. 修正Pentium D 840 CPU偵測錯誤問題 . 5. BIOS compiled date: 07/06/2005 ********************************* NOTE ********************************* 1. How to upgrade BIOS: a. Boot into MS-DOS or "Safe mode and command prompt" if you are using Windows95/98 b. Run "al813.EXE" to extract all files. c. Run "runme.bat" *** Please notice that we suggest you flashing the bios with switches "/py /sn /cd /cp /cc /cks /R" or by "runme.bat". d. For more detail, please visit: (Chinese) (English) 2.After BIOS updated, pull off the power cord and then clear the CMOS data via jumper before restarting system please. ============================================================================