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Flash Memory Update (2640)

Flash Memory Update

System Programs in Flash Memory

System setup programs and diagnostic tests are stored in flash memory.

Flash Memory Update A flash memory update is required for the following conditions:

To update the flash memory, do the following.
  1.  Get the appropriate diskette which contains the update.
  2.  Insert the System Program Service Diskette  into drive A and power-on the computer.
  3.  Select Update system programs from the menu.


  Source for obtaining the latest BIOS or FLASH available.

  1. IBM PC Company Internet   Home Page's
  2.  IBM PC IBM Raleigh ftp-SERVER / File-library (see URLs)
  3.  IBM local Bulletin Board System (BBS)
  4.  IBM HelpCenter Telephone No.

  5. IBM PartnerInfo   (Lotus Notes - GENIE data-base)
  6.  IBM Levels 1 and 2 Support


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